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The Aargau Castle Award - Award Rules


In order to promote amateur radio activity with stations in the canton of Aargau and to stimulate interest in the history of the region, the Aarau Amateur Radio Group HB9AJ issues the Aargau Castle Award (Diplom Burgen und Schlösser im Aargau).

Both licensed amateur radio operators and short wave listeners (SWL) can apply for the award.

Contacts on or after first of January 2010 with members of the Aarau Amateur Radio Group representing the following castles count towards the award:

Castle Location Call
Biberstein Castle Biberstein HB9COB
Fortress of Aarburg Aarburg HB9CTU
Governor's Castle Baden HB9BWN
Habsburg Castle Habsburg HB9MQM
Hallwyl Castle Seengen HB9AQF
Kasteln Castle Oberflachs HB9XAR
Lenzburg Castle Lenzburg HB9AJ
Liebegg Castle Gränichen HB9KAB
Schlössli Castle Aarau HB9KAM
Wildegg Castle Möriken-Wildegg HB9BAQ

Contacts on all frequencies allocated to the Amateur Radio Service and in all modes of operation allowed are valid for the Aargau Castle Award with the exception of contacts via terrestrial repeater stations and Echolink. April and November are designated special activity months for stations participating in the Aargau Castle Award.

The award is issued to applicants submitting proof of contacts with at least seven different stations representing castles in the canton of Aargau.

Applications including a list of QSL cards certified by two licensed radio amateurs (GCR list) are to be sent to the award manager:

Peter Erni, HB9BWN
Roemerstrasse 32
CH-5400 Baden, Switzerland

To cover the costs of the award the following fees are charged: Swiss applicants CHF 10.00, foreign applicants EUR 10.00 or US$ 15.00.
The money should be sent in bills with the application.